Welcome! I’m happy you’re here.
There are things I know about you.
You want to be comfortable with the choices you make.
You want satisfaction in your relationships, work, and life in general.
You want to be listened to.
You want your life to be fulfilling.
Hi, I’m Amy. I’m a certified life coach specializing in trauma-related issues, Body, Mind, Spirit Braiding, and recently completed Gabor Maté’s year long Compassionate Inquiry Approach training.
I’ve immersed myself in personal growth work for over 40 years and studied how trauma and dysfunction impact feelings. How feelings create beliefs, how beliefs guide perceptions and how it all impacts life.
Why? Because I wanted to heal myself.
Being adopted at birth, experiencing my mother’s two divorces before the age of six, meeting my biological parents, and the chaos that surrounded all of that made it difficult for me to appreciate life’s goodness, heck, to even believe in it.
I’ve used more than my share of drugs and alcohol, experienced depression and spent many years wondering what the point is, knowing the whole time, deep down inside, that there had to be more. I kept searching.
I left home when I was 18 and traveled across the country, getting as far away as possible. I found work in a rock-n-roll nightclub and then spent 12 years managing comedians and producing comedy events. I created, developed, and marketed products and cooked for celebrities and Jesuit priests. I have told stories on stages, and I’m a published author. It sounds like fun, and yet I still wasn’t happy.
Finally, after trying many approaches that lined the pockets of “experts” but didn’t help, I found the work that would turn my life around. I examined and began unpacking the beliefs, perceptions and feelings that stunted my view of everything and everyone without me even knowing it. It was only then that a whole new landscape emerged.
My approach is down-to-earth, practical, and straightforward. I help you cultivate compassion for yourself. You’ll learn tools and skills for reducing anxiety and stress, how to identify and feel feelings, build inner strength for riding the ups and downs of life, and how not to say “yes” when you mean “no.”
It’s not a cakewalk. It takes willingness and work. When you commit, you’ll begin to recognize yourself and experience life in a whole new way. It’s really something.
I’ve assisted scores of individuals with their self-development work and healing.
I will help you identify the places you are blind to in yourself that hold you back.
I look forward to meeting you.